Common Acronyms: B
- BAC (back at computer)
- BAG (busting a gut)
- BAK (back at the keyboard)
- BBIAB (be back in a bit)
- BBL (be back later)
- BBR (burnt beyond repair)
- BBS (bulletin board system)
- BCnU (be seeing you)
- BEG (big evil grin)
- BFN (bye for now)
- BION (believe it or not)
- BIOYIOB (blow it out your I/O port)
- BITMT (but in the meantime)
- BMB (bite my bum)
- BMTIPG (brilliant minds think in parallel gutters)
- BKA (better known as)
- BOB (back off bastard)
- BOL (be on later)
- BOM (bitch of mine)
- BOT (back on topic)
- BRB (be right back)
- BRBB (be right back bitch)
- BRBS (be right back soon)
- BRH (be right here)
- BRS (big red switch)
- BSF (but seriously folks)
- BST (but seriously though)
- BTA (but then again)
- BTAIM (be that as it may)
- BTDT (been there done that)
- BTOBD (be there or be dead)
- BTOBS (be there or be square)
- BTSOOM (beats the shit out of me)
- BTW (by the way)
- BUDWEISER (because you deserve what every individual should ever receive)
- BWQ (buzz word quotient)
- BWTHDIK (but what the heck do I know)
- BYOB (bring your own bottle)
- BYOH (Bat You Onna Head)