Common Acronyms: D
- DBA (doing business as)
- DCed (disconnected)
- DFLA (disenhanced four-letter acronym)
- DIIK (darn if i know)
- DGA (digital guardian angel)
- DGARA (don't give a rats ass)
- DIKU (do I know you?)
- DIRTFT (do it right the first time)
- DITYID (did I tell you I'm distressed)
- DIY (do it yourself)
- DLTBBB (don't let the bad bugs bite)
- DMMGH (don't make me get hostile)
- DQMOT (don't quote me on this)
- DND (do not disturb)
- DTC (damn this computer)
- DTRT (do the right thing)
- DUCT (did you see that?)
- DWAI (don't worry about it)
- DWIM (do what I mean)
- DWIMC (do what I mean, correctly)
- DWISNWID (do what I say, not what I do)
- DYJHIW (don't you just hate it when...)
- DYK (do you know)