Common Acronyms: I
- IAAA (I am an accountant)
- IAAL (I am a lawyer)
- IAC (in any case)
- IC (I see)
- IAE (in any event)
- IAG (I am gay)
- IAIM (in an Irish minute)
- IANAA (I am not an accountant)
- IANAL (I am not a lawyer)
- IBN (I'm bucked naked)
- ICOCBW (I could of course be wrong)
- IDC (I don't care)
- IDGI (I don't get it)
- IDGARA (I don't give a rat's ass)
- IDGW (in a good way)
- IDI (I doubt it)
- IDK (I don't know)
- IDTT (I'll drink to that)
- IFVB (I feel very bad)
- IGP (I gotta pee)
- IGTP (I get the point)
- IHTFP (I have truly found paradise)
- IHU (I hate you)
- IHY (I hate you)
- IIT (I'm impressed too)
- IIR (if I recall)
- IIRC (if I recall correctly)
- IJWTK (I just want to know)
- IJWTS (I just want to say)
- IKWUM (I know what you mean)
- ILBCNU (I'll be seeing you)
- ILU (I love you)
- ILY (I love you)
- ILYFAE (I love you forever and ever)
- IMAO (in my arrogant opinion)
- IMFAO (in my f***ing arrogant opinion)
- IMBO (in my bloody opinion)
- IMCO (in my considered opinion)
- IME (in my experience)
- IMHO (in my humble opinion)
- IMNSHO (in my, not so humble opinion)
- IMO (in my opinion)
- IMOBO (in my own biased opinion)
- IMPOV (in my point of view)
- IMP (I might be pregnant)
- INAL (I'm not a lawyer)
- INPO (in no particular order)
- IOIT (I'm on Irish Time)
- IOW (in other words)
- IRL (in real life)
- IRMFI (I reply merely for information)
- IRSTBO (it really sucks the big one)
- ISEN (internet search environment number)
- ISTM (it seems to me)
- ISTR (I seem to recall)
- ISWYM (I see what you mean)
- ITFA (in the final analysis)
- ITRO (in the reality of)
- ITRW (in the real world)
- ITSFWI (if the shoe fits, wear it)
- IVL (in virtual live)
- IWALY (I will always love you)
- IWBNI (it would be nice if)
- IYKWIM (if you know what I mean)
- IYSWIM (if you see what I mean)