Common Acronyms: H
- HAK (hug and kiss)
- HAGD (have a good day)
- HAGN (have a good night)
- HAGS (have a good summer)
- HAG1 (have a good one)
- HAHA (having a heart attack)
- HAND (have a nice day)
- HDYWTDT (how do you work this dratted thing)
- HHIS (hanging head in shame)
- HHJK (ha ha, just kidding)
- HHOJ (ha ha, only joking)
- HHOK (ha ha, only kidding)
- HHOS (ha ha, only seriously)
- HIH (hope it helps)
- HIWTH (hate it when that happens)
- HLM (he loves me)
- HMS (hanging my self)
- HMT (here's my try)
- HMWK (homework)
- HOAS (hold on a second)
- HSIK (how should i know)
- HTH (hope this helps)
- HTHBE (hope this has been enlightening)
- HYLMS (hate you like my sister)